worst foods for erectile dysfunction

9 Foods to Avoid if You Suffer from ED

Erectile Dysfunction Diet

As much as a lot of people don’t want to talk about it, there are many men out there who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). The most common cause of erectile dysfunction is aging which can cause weak blood flow and hinder an erection. However, there can be other contributors to it in younger men, like being around a pregnant partner and decreases in testosterone production. Fortunately, a big step you can take to help your ED is to avoid eating certain foods. Below I’ve compiled a list of the worst foods for erectile dysfunction and why they can be bad for men with or without ED.

9 Foods to Skip to Support Erectile Function

1. Flax Seed

Flax seed is one of the top foods that cause erectile dysfunction. This is because it contains lignans. Lignans work to make your body discharge testosterone instead of using it. As you may know, a decrease in testosterone can result in an inability to maintain an erection.

2. Alcohol

While it can be nice to have an alcoholic drink, too much alcohol can contribute to decreases in testosterone levels. In fact, a clinical trial found that men who drank two to three glasses of wine (30 to 40 grams of alcohol) a day over three weeks experienced a testosterone decrease of 6.5%.

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3. Canned Soup

Canned soup was something I was not expecting to come across while researching erectile dysfunction foods, but there is a good reason it is on this list. Canned soup and other canned products tend to be very high in sodium. Too much sodium decreases blood flow in the body and can sometimes lead to erectile dysfunction.

4. Microwaveable Popcorn

Eating microwaveable popcorn now and then is fine, however, eating it frequently can lead to a subpar performance in the bedroom. This time it is due to it containing perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). PFOA has been shown to decrease testosterone and even affect sperm mobility and fertility in men. So, it’s best to keep microwaveable popcorn consumption to a minimum.

5. White Bread

Simple carbohydrates or processed carbohydrates that are made from refined products like flour are causes of erectile dysfunction. This is due to their contribution to conditions affecting blood flow in the body like plaque in the arteries, heart disease and high blood pressure. If you want to eat bread, you’re best to eat whole grain.

6. Refined Sugars

Speaking of refined products, refined sugars are another erectile dysfunction food that should be cut back on. This is because high levels of refined sugar in your bloodstream can damage blood vessels and decrease the blood flow to sexual organs. To avoid this problem, you should avoid drinking beverages high in sugar like soda and eating foods high in refined sugar like cookies and cake.

7. Red Meat

A lot of studies have been published in the past decade or so that support eating a Mediterranean diet to help avoid ED. This means eating more fish and legumes for protein and restricting red meat consumption. Scientists believe that the decrease in red meat helps to prevent ED because red meat contains a lot of saturated fats (which include trans fats), which are harder to digest and can lead to fat storage in the bloodstream. You guessed it- that means a decrease in blood flow in your body which can affect your ability to maintain an erection.

8. Processed Meat

Processed meats like deli meats, hot dogs and ham are erectile dysfunction causes. This is because processed meats are high in trans fats. As I explained above, trans fats can be responsible for a decrease in blood flow to the penis. Additionally, trans fats in processed meats have also been linked to a decrease in testosterone and reproductive performance.

9. Mint

This one shocked me because mint is generally considered a safe home remedy for many ailments like upset stomachs and anxiety. However, men should be wary of how much mint they consume. A review published in Urology reported that consuming more than four cups of peppermint tea a day has been shown to decrease libido and testosterone production.

Enhancing Men's Health

These are all foods you must limit or cut out to prevent or reverse erectile dysfunction. However, there are some great foods out there that can help improve your bedroom performance and are great for your overall health. These foods include salmon, berries, olive oil, leafy greens and legumes. If you limit the worst foods for erectile dysfunction and increase the good, you can help your overall performance.