Chronic Illness

signs and symptoms of itp - bleeding gums

Key Symptoms of ITP and How to Spot Them

Platelets are important for blood clotting, and when you have ITP, you may not have enough platelets. This can lead to easy bruising, bleeding and other health problems. One of the most common signs of ITP is easy bruising. People with ITP may notice bruises on their skin even...

signs of lymphoma

Know the Signals: Key Signs of Lymphoma to Watch For

Catching the signs of lymphoma early can help you fight it and survive it. Here are the common signs to look out for: This is probably the most well-known sign of lymphoma. These usually painless lumps often occur in the neck, armpits or groin. In particular, these instances of...

early signs of stomach cancer

Take Notice: The Early Signs of Stomach Cancer

While it's rarer than many other forms of cancer, stomach or gastric, cancer will still affect over 26,000 Americans this year, according to the American Cancer Society. The exact cause of stomach cancer is unknown, but diet and lifestyle may play a role. Your family history should also be...

most effective treatment for bipolar disorder

The Most Effective Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder affects 2.8% of adults in the United States (1), affecting fractionally more men than women. Although gender plays a limited effect on whom it impacts, it can play a large part in how the symptoms present. Bipolar disorder in men can often go undiagnosed due to men’s propensity to be more reticent in admitting a problem, worrying that they are showing signs of weakness. Here is more information on recognizing bipolar disorder, its main symptoms and how to treat it effectively. Bipolar disorder is a mental health...