Karla Jarvis

Karla Jarvis
Karla Jarvis

I am passionate about many things, but they all orbit around my understanding and need for personal wellness. A curious mind, an open heart and the energy of a 4-year-old keeps me running to see what’s around the next corner of life. Living in Central British Columbia in a thriving community allows me opportunities to live fully, and that means sharing the wonder of the world with my two incredible grandbabies, hurling myself down mountain bike trails with my husband, and laughing with and loving my family. Seeking understanding about myself and the world often involves travel, always involves reading, and of course, writing. Writing allows me to express myself, build bridges, and collaborate with others in the adventure of life.

copd treatment options

COPD results in difficulty breathing and is seen as wheezing, a tight chest and severe cough, which can be life-altering for those with the...

COPD results in difficulty breathing and is seen as wheezing, a tight chest and severe cough, which can be life-altering for those with the disease. How to treat COPD varies on the individual, their lifestyle factors...

treatment options for ulcerative colitis

Despite a cure for ulcerative colitis not yet being a reality, there are a number of effective treatments, including medications and other therapies. Medications...

Despite a cure for ulcerative colitis not yet being a reality, there are a number of effective treatments, including medications and other therapies. Medications and surgery are the two most common and reliable treatment options for...

A medium-rare steak sliced up on a cutting board.

What are the worst foods for prostate cancer? Are there certain vegetables or fruits that are not good for the prostate? Read on to...

What are the worst foods for prostate cancer? Are there certain vegetables or fruits that are not good for the prostate? Read on to learn about the 10 worst foods for prostate cancer and why you...

early signs of stomach cancer

While it's rarer than many other forms of cancer, stomach or gastric, cancer will still affect over 26,000 Americans this year, according to the...

While it's rarer than many other forms of cancer, stomach or gastric, cancer will still affect over 26,000 Americans this year, according to the American Cancer Society. The exact cause of stomach cancer is unknown, but...